Waterford, MI 48327 7160 Highland Rd.
Open hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 7pm, Sat 9am - 6pm



UPC: N/A SKU: N/A Category: Tag: Product ID: 24270


Ultra-Thin is a thiner version of the Slip 2000 Gun Lube designed for use in ultrasonic cleaners.

Ultra-Thin is a pure synthetic metal treatment. Designed to treat gun parts after ultrasonic cleaning. It contains a proprietary anti-wear agent that reduces friction and wear by 80-90% and prevents corrosion. For use on all weapons and weapon systems. Developed with your health, safety and the environment in mind.

Remove cleaned parts from ultrasonic cleaning solution. Allow any excess cleaner to drain or drip off. Make sure you have cleared all compartments and areas that cleaner may have collected before placing parts in Ultra-Thin Gun Lube. Place cleaned parts in Lube and make sure all parts are completely submerged. Allow parts to soak in lubricant for 2-5 minutes. Drain and clear all extra lube before wiping down or allowing to dry. For best results Ultra-Thin Gun Lube should be used with Ultra-Clean ultrasonic cleaner.

Features & Benefits

  • Dislpaces Moisture
  • Prevents Corrosion
  • Thinner formula for easier and quicker drip off

Metal Treatment Only
Before firing or storing your gun a regular Slip 2000 lubricant needs to be applied.

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